5 May 2009

Forces Comparable in Cosmos and Microcosmos, Nietzsche, La Volonté de puissance, Livre II, 60

by Corry Shores
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[The following is summary and not translation. Please check my interpretation against the original text, which is reproduced at the end.]

Friedrich Nietzsche

La Volonté de puissance


Livre II:
Morphologie et évolution de la Volonté de Puissance


Explosions occur in a molecule’s interior.

The atoms erratically change direction.

Forces suddenly unleash.

Imagine now a much larger scale: the cellular level. And consider the forces exploding when a nervous pulse contracts a muscle. It’s unfathomable. And it occurs over a perceptible duration. In a far less extent of time, the whole universe might experience this much force. No one yet has proven this has never happened. Nor has anyone proven it will never happen in the future.


A l’intérieur de la molécule se produisent des explosions, des changements de direction de tousles atomes et de soudains déclenchements de force. Tout notre système solaire pourrait en unseul et bref instant ressentir une excitation comparable à celle que le nerf exerce sur le muscle. I ln’est pas prouvé que ce ne soit jamais arrivé, ni que cela ne doive jamais arriver.

1881-82 (XII, 1re partie, § 137)


Nietzsche, Friedrich. La Volonté de puissance, I. Transl. G. Bianquis. Paris: Gallimard, 1938.

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