24 Nov 2008

Hegel, Science of Logic, Vol 1, Bk 1, Sect 2: Magnitude (Quantity), Ch 1 "Quantity," C:Limitations of Quantity §§434-435

by Corry Shores
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[Below is summary. At the end I cite the text in full. My interpretations not informed by a complete read of the text.]

Hegel, Science of Logic

Volume One: The Objective Logic

Book One: The Doctrine of Being

Section 2: Magnitude (Quantity)

Chapter 1 Quantity

§ 434

Because discrete magnitudes are considered as units that continue one after another. Each discrete magnitude is itself posited as a unit that excludes the magnitudes of other units. This determinate exclusion is the limit of its unity. Its discreteness is its determinateness as well as its first negation and limit.

§ 435

The limit is firstly considered the negative point at the determinate boundary of the unit. But the unit is something whose value continues past its limit. "Real discrete quantity is thus a quantity, or quantum — quantity as a determinate being and a something."

From the original text of the translation:
§ 434
Discrete magnitude has first the one for its principle; secondly, it is a plurality of ones; and thirdly, it is essentially continuous; it is the one as at the same time sublated, as unity, the continuation of itself as such in the discreteness of the ones. Consequently, it is posited as one magnitude, the determinateness of which is the one which, in this posited and determinate being is the excluding one, a limit in the unity. Discrete magnitude as such is immediately not limited; but as distinguished from continuous magnitude it is a determinate being, a something, with the one as its determinateness and also as its first negation and limit.
§ 435
This limit, which is related to the unity and is the negation in it, is also, as the one, self-related; it is thus the enclosing, encompassing limit. Limit here is not at first distinguished from its determinate being as something, but, as the one, is immediately this negative point itself. But the being which here is limited is essentially a continuity, by virtue of which it passes beyond the limit, beyond this one, to which it is indifferent. Real discrete quantity is thus a quantity, or quantum — quantity as a determinate being and a something.

Hegel. Science of Logic. Transl. A.V. Miller. George Allen & Unwin, 1969.
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